(.577 member)
23/07/14 07:08 AM
Re: 1873 Winchester is back again...

Dang it Daryl, now I have to go back and read the article again..

Thanks for the info..

As to other examples of screw-ups leading to propaganda..I know of one happening now..

Not so much a screw up but a bs story of a item being promoted by a manufacturer. They are promoting a new variation of their earlier product--(product A)..when all it is, is they come out with a better product (product B) but had all this inventory left over from the previous product (product A) put a new skin on it {product A) and gave it a new name and promotion..whala..selling like the next best thing to sliced bread...heard about this at a trade show I attended earlier this year..interesting...

There had to be an easier way to say the head hurts. My ADD is really acting up today..


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