Quote: This is what we have and have done here - there is immense pleasure in just walking slowly through the bush with a rifle, not even disturbing the birds, walking past deer feeding along below you, watching the squirrels,not disturbing the fauna, being part of it - stopping by a huge Spruce, sitting on it's bed of fallen needles, leaning back against of the tree's trunk and contemplating the universe, rifle beside you, or just dosing off into a power nap of an hour or two, the scent of your surroundings gently soothing. Yes - it's wonderful - it is about as close to "bliss" as possible, however with the problems around the world and even at home today, these bliss-full days are nothing more than memories - something I used to do, many years ago. EDELWEISS, You have kindled those memories and it's time to do this again. Today, the knee won't take the rough ground, grinding off the tibia and femur every step, no cartilage left, however - the slow walk through the trees doesn't bother my poor back. Come Sept, after the new knee is installed, perhaps mid Oct and Nov, those blissful walks through the bush will return. What to pack with me? Maybe the .375 or 9.3, or, or, or? Lots of time to decide, time to load ammo and dream of days gone by. |