(.224 member)
29/04/14 06:23 AM
Re: P14 Question

A bit off topic, but that's a great scope you have on that rifle. Kollmorgens are bullet proof and has great optics (They built USN periscopes). Just found a minty 6X w/flat top post and CH. Going to a clone 03A4

Once had a Gibbs P-14 in 375 H&H that was a great rifle.

Several P-17s back in the day when the 25-06 was still a wildcat. Burned up two 26" Douglas barrels. LC NM cases, neck em' down. fill case with 50 cent a pound surplus 4831, card it off, put in a 87 gr Sierra softpoint and explode woodchucks.

Memory could be failing, but I don't think all P14/17s left a big hole when the ears were removed.

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