(.416 member)
22/04/14 08:22 PM
Re: P14 Question

.303 load for P14 or Mauser type rifles
Remington brass
Federal 210 primers
150gn Speer / Sierra SP
46gn AR2208 for 2695fps average with a variation less the 5fps
Both shoot 5 shots into a 35mm group at 50m with original peep sights.
The Sierras shoot 1" higher at the same velocity.
This is all but the same velocity as the Sellior & Bellot factory ammo 2720fps average.
Someone better behind the butt will easy beat this group - but this load can punch thru 4" of iron bark gum before anchoring a good 80+kg boars.
I wondered why I hit him so far back at about 35m or so, didn't know I hit the tree until I came closer. I broke his back first shot in fairly thick scrub in the gulf country near Normanton.
Didn't go too far with one behind his ear after that.
They can really scoot - should have done more lead during the swing through!

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