In case you are not aware the 338 RUM is a shortened 404 case with a rim the same size as a H&H. 338 pills tend to have a fairly long ogive, especially pills designed for long range use, and its for this reason Remington used a shortened 404 case in this calibre. Other RUM variants use a full length 404 case.
If you wanted to find dies reamers etc for a 338 on a full length 404 case, google up 338 Edge - this case is effectively an improved full length 404 with a H&H rim (the developer necked up 300 RUM cases). You could simply use reformed 404 brass here as well. That will probably be your most economical way into a 338/404. I would check the magazine length of the rifle you are going to use, as that may be a limiting factor.
Curious how much more you get out of that 338 Edge---I currently shoot both the .338 RUM and 338 Lapua..and am very impressed with their long range performance...