Yes - head shots on the ground. It is common to collect 1/2 dozen a day on the way back to camp for lunch, in a good year. This IS BC. When I lived in South Western Ontario, I never saw a grouse that wasn't flying & they'd get up a good 25 to 35 yards ahead of you. It was exciting and not easy shooting. I thought my brother was fibbing me, when he told me of shooting grouse in BC with a rifle - until I got out here and found out myself. I had a 127gr. RN case bullet load for my bother's .356 Winchester, just for grouse, for when he was guiding and driving back to camp with his client for lunch. The client would get to shoot the grouse with the .356, using the truck's hood for a rest. The thick post in the crosshairs gave a 25 yard zero. Willow grouse (ruffies) and Franklin (fool hens) were the quarry. My .458 2" used a 230gr. .452" Speer with 15gr. AL8 for grouse. That little Hornet would be a sweet grouse rifle with .22WCF-type Go-Pow loads. |