(.577 member)
18/04/13 11:36 AM
Re: Rifle Wish List for most...


Only the Traveler interest me. Well who wouldn't want a Holland, just a 577 is way more than I can handle.

Whats your rifle wish list ???

You know what they say, can always find room for one more..

I think it would be incredible to have that H&H in least just once --
How awesome that would be to use to track down a nice big tusker with that in hand???

Would also like to have a Rigby double in 500 Nitro..think that is the ultimate...have a .470, but feel the 500 is a touch better ..just my opinion...

Actually have a Webernick ultra light..use it all the hunting deer and bear in the mountains...great carry gun and accurate..its in a 280 Ackley...used it on my Big Horn sheep hunt as well..

Also like you, think the Dakota in a nice rifle..don't currenlty own one but have been eyeing one in a local gun shop for a in a 416 would do just right...

That is just off the top of my head...I am sure I can come up with more as i sit and think about this..


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