G'Day Fella's, Neal, like a Bear coming out of Winter hibernation (out of the house and into the Funshop), I have finally started to do some work on some of my projects! This includes firing the first couple of shots through my 6.5x47 Lap, in the process of running it's barrel in. I'm using 140grn Nosler Comp bullets for this and for the first time, I have used "Patch Out" (PO) bore solvent. So far I'm really happy with how little effort is required and how well PO works!!! First off, I patched out the Lilja barrel and chamber to make sure it was clean and dry, then fired a handload into the bullet trap. I then pushed a couple of patches wet with PO thru the barrel, which cleaned out most of the powder fouling, I then pushed another patch wet with PO, and got back on to the milling machine. 20 mins later, I dry patched out the barrel then put another wet patch thru. 20 mins later, same again but this time there was no obvious copper fouling left in the barrel. Just to make sure, another wet patch and left it for 10 mins. The dry patches came out clean as! I then fired another shot and repeated....... So far, so good! No back and forth Bronze Brushing etc so in theory, this alone should increase the barrels life. The reason I say this is, they reckon more barrels are worn out from Cleaning that Shooting! Doh! Homer |