homer, have you looked at the threads I have started since first posting in this thread? For an understanding of my comment "The bolt handles of both of these rifles travels through an arc unlocking the bolt head before being pulled straight back" this might help. (unfortunately I dont have a copy of todays newspaper to hold whilst demonstrating with my own rifles for you ) You might also like to note that the bolt handle/knob of the Heym SR30 also appears to travel through an arc to unlock the bolt, however the pivot point has been shifted 90 degrees relative to the Blaser and Mauser enabling them to market the rifle thus: Quote: http://www.heymusa.com/heym_bolt_action_sr30.htm# The Strasser RS 05 (designed by Horst Blaser I believe) bolt handle/knob follows a similar path http://www.strasser-salzburg.at/ HTH Gryphon, whilst Herrons list the helix on their website I'm led to believe they've yet to land in the country so we might be waiting a while for an honest review by an Australian. |