In reply to: An electric shock collar works pretty well to re-condition a dog from chasing stock or I suppose game. *** I know of a local farmer who shoots dogs whom merely cross his paddocks. I was with them when they heard barking and rushed out to immediately shoot a dog that was NOWHERE near the stock. In factit wasn't even his property it was a neighbours. The brag any dog that cross their property is dead meat. If I was their neighbour and they shot my dog even one of their flock would be mutton one morning. *** Legally here a stock owner can shoot a dog harassing their stock. Not merely on their property. I have tried to shoot domestic dogs killing sheep myself. I know of one case where another dickhead of the ilk above saw two dogs running along a country road. He immediately got his rifle and shot the two pets. There were witnesses. The owners of the dogs took him to court and he was fined $5000. I hope he lost his firearms licence for life as well for shooting illegally on a public road. *** Dogs will roam, I once came across two dogs chasing a rabbit on my land and as they crossed in front of me, tried to shoot the rabbit with a shotgun. Missed the rabbit - didn't want to hit the dogs - and the dogs yelped and ran away yelping, back to their master I suppose who was trespassing on my land. I hope the dog's owner didn't think I tried to shoot his dogs but on the other hand it might have discouraged him from trespassing without permission. |