The 8.15x46R Frohn aka "Deutsche Schützenhülse" was the standard German target cartridge and the only one much reloaded pre-WW2. The ammunition companies sold factory-swaged lead bullets in many shapes, as well as pre-packed smokeless powder charges. The photoshows such an old reload: a nickeled case by RWS, a #16 11g bullet by Egestorff in Hanover-Linden and a powder charge packed in thin paper. The reddish stamp on the charge reads " 0.7 g / P / Pulver". These loads allowed the cheapest centerfire target shooting. The cases were rarely resized, so reloading required only a thong-type Berdan de-recapper. The powder charges were insered into the case and the lead bullets seated by hand.The guiding band on the bullet prevented it from falling into the expanded case and the bullet lube from falling out again.
In old catalogs you often read the monicker "Keilerbüchse" = boar rifle for rifles so chambered. These were never meant to shoot at living wild boar, but were specialized target rifles, shaped like stalking rifles, to be used in hunter's target shooting, much of it done at the "running boar target".