I have a .308 Norma Mag, as anyone who has been to the classified section will know. I won't go into details here as they are all (with pics) at http://forums.nitroexpress.com/showflat.php?Cat=0&Number=162440&an=0&page=2#Post162440. Now I have been doing some toying around with this calibre and funny thing the more I look at it the more I like it. So the rifle may not be that much for sale as I previously indicated. Someone's going to say, "I told you so!" I have not shot it for a few years, instead concentrating on my .270 Win and .308 Win. But I have recently (this week) gone through some of my brass (I have several hundreds of Norma cases) and been doing a bit of case selection. I have selected around 50 or so for immediate reloading and will probably get to the range (SSAA Brisbane) in a week or so or perhaps over Christmas. I have enough AR2213SC to load these with Hornady SPBT 180 Gr Interlocks. The last time I shot it the load that was safe in my rifle was a grain or two over the ADI maximum and gave me a chronographed 3,153 fps out of my 24" Douglas premium barrel. This is a real flat shooting hard hitter at extended ranges. Although the rifle is a bit on the heavy side, it does soak up the recoil a bit. As someone has already remarked, it's not a common calibre, but nonetheless, a classic. Life is too short to hunt with an ugly rifle. |