Osca - I suggest that you shoot the gun as much as you can to learn it. Handload if possible so you can afford shoot more. I personally don't believe a hunter should shoot big game farther way than about 300 yards and that most people's effective range is about 1/15th that from hunting positions. I have seen too many people buying high velocity MAGNUMS because some advertizing agency said they were effective on moose at 600yards, yet many people buy them just for this supposed long range shooting, but can't put 3 consecutive shots on a 100 yard target from the bench, let alone from normal hunting postions, rested or not. Hunting is about hunting, not sniping. Get close and kill with one shot. Between your tightening up on the trigger at long range and the gun going off and the bullet striking, the animal can take a step fore or backwards or turn. Any of which gives a bad, wounding hit. This doesn't even take into consideration the wind which will move your bullet feet over ranges of multiple hundreds of yards. A perfet hold on a stationary animal can mean a no-crippling wounding shot or a complete miss. Practise with the gun as much as possible and practise shooting from hunting postions, prone, kneeling and standing - all with rests and without. Clean it properly every time you use it, look after it and it will reward you with success. Congratualtions. |