(.275 member)
07/11/08 11:04 AM
Re: Vergueiro rifle opinions

Marrakai, the bolt actions were not "banned", however the licence requirements stated that applicants must demonstrate a "genuine reason" for any firearm owned. To the best of my knowledge there was no limit on the number of firearms, BUT, a geniune reason was needed for each one. The argument of some - not all - police and other officials was along the lines of
"if you need a centrefire rifle to hunt pigs and you have a centrefire rifle, you cannot demonstrate a need for a second one, because you can only fire one at a time."
It was nessesary to use published information such as data requiring a minimum of .243 for deer hunting in order to get "another" centrefire licenced in your name if you already owned something like a .22 hornet, because both are classed as centrefire, so why do we need 2 of them.
At that point there was much in the way of threats and intimidation, and people were led to believe they might have their licenced firearms "re-assessed" later, with possible refusal and subsequent loss without compensation. As far as I know that did not occur, at least not on a wide basis, but at the time many took what they could get due to the fear and uncertainty.

Things are better now, and it seems rare for a permit to aquire to be challenged on such ignorant grounds, but it may still happen, and is within the regulations, if not the spirit of the actual law.

On the other side of things, I know of a person who was granted a "C" licence for his 22 semi auto, on the basis that he was old and did not tolerate recoil, and he had been previously directed by a government body to control feral pigs on his land, courtesy of a neighbouring nature reserve.
He argued that a .22 was inadequite, so he needed to fire repeatedly and quickly. He was initialy rejected, but simply kept sending the same application in each time it was rejected. After many rejections the registry apparently gave up and issued his "C" licence, along with his "A & B".
No logic, but it always makes me feel good when someone wins against idiots.

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