Bit off topic, but reason for loss of guns. When the Johny hate guns howard thing happened, NSW police had differing attitudes, depending on personal beliefs. The actual "LAW" had little to do with their "regulations" Among the dozen or so I lost was one nice Portuguese mauser, Very good condition. My brother lost 2, among others. The rule applied in my town was that we had to provide a "genuine reason" for each gun. If we had a gun in a particular class, why did we need a second one. This meant that you could get away with 2 if you listed both hunting and target shooting, because we all "know" that they are different. However if you owned a .22 hornet and a 458 Winchester you already had 2 "centre fire rifles" so why would you need a .308, and the application could be refused. Things have eased a little over the years, but I do know a person who was questioned last year as to why he "needed" a third Lee-enfield 303. He has a modified range rifle for big bore target, and shoots military service with a No.1 MkII. He wanted a No.4, and the police suggested he needed to get a collectors licence if he was collecting them, and 3 sounded like too many of the same gun. He did get approval after a couple of letters, giving match rules too show the "need" for the No.1 and the range rifle, and classing the No. 4 for hunting. If I sound like a bitter and twisted old man, I might be. |