(.700 member)
14/05/08 03:37 AM
Re: 9.3 vs. 9.5...

Yes- sectioning would answer some of the questions.
: In the early 1900's, there were a bunch of different ideas on bullet construction & most of them surfaced somewhere. A bunch of them had large splits on the nose of the bullet to promote rapid expansion. Of course, impact on heavy bone would cause these to fail and give a bad name to a round that otherwise perfoms admirably.
: It is intersting he notes the original 9.3x62 loading, which was barely faster than a 9.3x57, as being a super load and well liked all over Africa, whereas the newer German high velocity loading of 2,340fps not adding anything to the equation. These findings mirror Finn Aagard's much ore recent notes at well, concerning how little to zilzh difference there is in actual killing powder between a wide variety of rounds in the medium range, let alone how little difference a couple hundred fps velocity actually makes.
: It all boils down to shot placement & using an adequate round to do the job.

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