(.450 member)
14/05/08 01:34 AM
9.3 vs. 9.5...

Reading Taylor, I am struck by the contrast he makes between the 9.3x62 {285 @ 2175} and the 9.5x56 {270 @ 2250}, both quite similar ballistics on paper.

Granted, I have my doubts as to whether he really had all the experience he claims in his books, but I do wonder if bullet construction of the original loads made for a more frangible 9.5/270 than was the 9.3/285. I've always wanted to test both bullets in my boards and jugs to see what was up.

A long shot probably, but does anyone have experience shooting game with vintage say, 1930's ammo in both/either of these calibers?

If so, thoughts???

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