(.450 member)
05/05/08 12:06 AM
Re: Opinions on the Savage 110-111 pre and post accu-Trigger

One of the things that keeps popping up in my mind is the utility of the Accu-trigger on a Dangerous Game rifle. Many rifles in medium/large bore calibers {.375 H&H and up... .416 Taylor, Remington, Rigby, etc and even some of the biggies} possess extremely fine mechanical accuracy but wear fairly heavy triggers due to general concerns about nerves prematurely effecting the shot on DG.

"Thinking out loud", here...

Though most A-triggers are probably on varmint or light-caliber rifles, I think the A-trigger on a DG rifle makes a lot of sense. Sometimes a very finely placed shot is necessary under any and all hunting scenarios, and such a shot would be enhanced with a great trigger pull. By the same token, the stress of DG conditions would be met nicely with a trigger that warns the hunter of its presence before it goes "Bang". In fact, merely touching the safety lever on the A-trigger and holding ones finger there, coupled with a smooth complete drawthrough can result in a quite decent shot at close DG ranges, with no need to find the let-off point as when the trigger is normally used on a set up shot at distant game, etc. Good work can be done with this method and the Accu-trigger with just a very little practice.

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