(.333 member)
27/04/08 03:20 PM
Re: Remmington model 700 good choice or all hype?

The extractor of the Remington 700 gets a lot of bad press. If you have a 700
keep it clean. It is that simple. When 700's are refinished, the refinishing process is often caustic, and the extractor, being made of spring steel, corrodes and falls out, or breaks off. If you don't reblue your bolt, and keep it clean and lubricated, you will have no problems.

A lot of gun gurus blather on about Sako or M-16 style extractors being a cure all for a Model 700. I think if it ain't broke, don't fix it.

My only gripe with Model 700's for dangerous game rifles are that they are a PITA to load in a hurry compared to Rugers, Winchesters, CZ's, and just about everything else out there. Their magazine port is narrower that the competions. They feed upside down, sideways, and everyway, just fine though.

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