(.577 member)
27/04/08 10:59 AM
Re: Remmington model 700 good choice or all hype?

you are going to get a ton of reponses on this one--with some being negative because a handle fell off or they don't have controlled feed actions, or whatever..IHMO, I think most of that is BS...I can only tell you on what I have seen and my own personal experience...

Each to his own, but I find it very interesting that MANY custom gun makers use their actions for the $5000. dollar custom gun...I have bought about every brand mentioned on this site and in most cases several at that ---all in all, in my experience.. they are very accurate and personally I have NEVER had a mechanical failure of any kind..and that is will owning probably 40 plus of them in calibers from .22 rimfire to .458 Win Mag...I still have probably 15 of them that all shoot 1" or less--most will do better than that..

While I also own the pricier doubles and custom rifles.. I have no problem with grabbing a Rem. and going out after anything that walks this planet...IMHO..


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