(.450 member)
23/04/08 12:03 PM
Re: using army surplus .30-06 ammo in bolt action hunting rifle

Greek HXP ammo in both .303 and .30-06 calibers is generally known to be excellent quality. Really top notch.

The Greek HXP I am familiar with is non-corrosive and of quality comparable to US factory sporting ammo, very good indeed. Boxer-primed and easy to reload.

As far as other, corrosive primed ammo is concerned, it is no big deal.

Removing corrosive primer residue is a cinch and no problem at all. Warm/hot soapy water removes the corrosive salts.

My procedure is to run a wet patch soaked in Hoppe's #9 thru the bore to get rid of the nitro residue, then run a dry patch run thru.

Then the muzzle of the rifle can be inserted in a large coffee can half full of hot soapy water {dish or clothes detergent, or any easily diluted soap} and a cleaning rod with patch run in and out of the bore, sucking the solution into the bore.

Do that a few times, making sure the solution gets to the chamber.

Dry the bore and then run an oily patch thru it. Easy schmeazy.

I have shot lots of corrosive ammo over the years and never had a rust issue at all.

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