I have no idea NitroX, of what they do. It is a so undesirable animal for them, that I donīt even think about dogīs feed. On the first day, along with the two big hogs, I shot a small one and this I am sure was eaten by hounds, but just because dogs found it by the reeds. I mostly guess they do nothing. I also have to say that, being a general practice, not everybody (being muslim) is non-pork eater in those countries (this also aplies with spirits). I carried some pork sausages from home to Iran (hidden on my lugagge of course), and I decided to ask permition on the 7th or 8th day there as an appetizer before supper. So the locals gave me and two of them shared the meat with me. And also shared a couple of whiskeys on the outfitterīs house at the end. So what. Rgds |