On her third journey on the open hill for our chital/axis deer the Alexander Henry 500BPE express rifle finally takes a large axis stag. On her first journey way back in April last year she took an axis doe at 180 or so yards (http://forums.nitroexpress.com/showflat.php?Cat=0&Number=229567&an=0&page=1#Post229567), and now on her third trip to the beautiful island of Lanai I managed to take an old fat stag at about the same distance. Spooked a small herd of 10-12 deer on a ridge. I didn't have a great deal of time so I had to make a quick shot off my monopod/shooting stick. I waited and one of the larger males in the group stopped for a moment too take a look back at us and I was able to make the shot. He was a good old stag with one malformed antler. Fun to stalk deer with a 140 year old open sighted double |