Nickudu Files: "A Tiger Shoot in India" 1898 by a Cavalry Officer Read Article: "A Tiger Shoot in India" 1898 "A savage old tiger, one which has been already beaten over, will, on hearing a great noise, almost invariably break back and charge through the line, whereas, if the disturbance appears to be caused merely by people cutting wood, or gathering sticks, he will in all probability move on very quietly. When the tiger has been brought up to the guns, the man whose luck it is to be nearest him fire, and, by means of a whistle, informs the beaters, by preconceived signal, whether the best is dead or wounded; and in the latter case, in which direction he has gone. If the signal for a wounded tiger is heard, the beaters climb trees and otherwise make themselves as scarce as possible, while the sportsman proceeds, if he is wise, with the utmost caution to make the best of a bad job. ... read more" Read more books and articles in the Nickudu Files |