(.375 member)
21/12/03 10:41 PM
Re: Zim PH hunting in the NT

I don't know the fee for a buff hence the ? I do know that its above $1000.
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I have to ask which outfitters are getting anywhere near ten grand trophy fees for asian buffalo here?

Now I don't know for sure, but if Bob Penfold was charging $1000 to sleep in a tent.....I'd hate to see his trophy fee

And I never saw the numbers before the slaughter, but yes they are building back up. When you have outfitters trucking in Buff for clients to shoot they have to be comming from somewhere. I know of one station about a 10 minutes drive from where I live that breeds buff....hmmmmm and I know he lost 60 last year when they started breaking a mates mango trees

Yes and your right not all chase the US clients.....but most do. I have a mate that guided around Katherine. He was doing alright, prices were low, service was good. Then another outfitter offered the Aborigional community more money if they went with him as he had overseas clients lined up. Needless to say my mate was out of a job. Now I know not everybodys like that but it left a bitter taste in my mates mouth, concidering that he was married to a abrigional woman from that community. The power of the greenback!

But hey I see from your profile that your a guide. Mate if you are offering a good low price hunt then I applaud you, but you have to admit there are some shonky dealers out there.

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