Hat's off to you, Orion. : I've never shot a buffalo, Cape or Water for that matter. This doens''t mean I cannot dream, or that I haven't studied such hunting and writings. : Had the buff gone into thick cover, the two shots up the arse might not have been possible. The first shot, the killing shot is the important one. Had the buff needed 2 or more shots in the vitals to work, it would not have been a 1-shot kill. If one shot killed it, so be it. : What this boils down to is I'd have no quams of shooting either with my 6.5X55, or my Daughter's .260, with appropriate bullets as I-too believe it is adequate for the job. Proper bullet placement with proper bullets works. Would I choose to use a 6.5, no, but that doesn't mean it is inadequate. : Congratulations. |