Thanks Eagle. For the photos andcstory comments. Different days back then. I remember an article from 1980 or the 1970s, Outdoors Yearbook I think. The buffalo hunters "big rifles" were two or three .300 mags of various sorts and a .375 mag, Different days. And as Eagle hints,in the "old days" buffalo were pretty much shot from the Landcruiser or Landrover. Hevwentbout on foot, told it was dangerous. Before vehicles itvwac done from horseback. Reasons why medium cartridges were used. Some dumnboes ask me "why is that relevant?". Because you can ride or drive away easier on a horse or vehicle. From a wounded attacking beast, compared to on foot. There's also the question on whether the hunter bothers to follow up a wounded beast, or doesn't bother. A lot don't. |