Gentlemen: Please forgive this unashamed product endorsement, but I feel compelled to make this information known at every opportunity related to snake-bite in Australia. Tacmed (and perhaps others) sell a snake-bite bandage that is similar in size and weight in the backpack to a 3-metre crepe bandage, but stretches to OVER TEN METRES when applying the correct pressure to restrict lymphatic flow. Only one such bandage is required to fully strap a limb. Webpage is here. As a long-time occasional survival instructor, it has always shocked me when course participants would hold up their single crepe bandage and say "Yep, I've got my snake-bite kit". There speaks someone who has never been present when a venomous bite has occurred. It takes at least 3 such bandages to strap a leg (where most bites occur) and if a second person is bitten during the incident, 6 or more bandages are required. The Aeroform bandage in the link has squares that change shape to indicate correct stretch, whereas the ones I have been carrying for years had a red/blue stripe that changed colour. No matter, these things are cheap insurance that really works rather than just hoping you never have to find out the hard way! Again, I have no dog in the fight, and if this sounds like a plug for Tacmed then so be it, they were certainly easy to deal with on-line. |