9.3 In Victoria we have a Duck and Quail season, steel shot for ducks and lead or steel for quail. Bag limits can vary according to conditions but if there are no drought conditions then it is 10 ducks per day on all shootable species except for Blue Winged Shovelers which are two per day, Quail are 20 per day for Stubble quail, no other quail species are shootable. South Australia has duck and quail shooting as does Tasmania, although both their seasons and restrictions vary with Victoria and each other. New South Wales has no duck or quail season however you can get a licence to shoot ducks and other birds over farmland where the farmer is having trouble with crop damage. There are specific numbers of birds that can be shot on each farm and this varies, however as there is no actual checking and it is more or less self regulated, people shoot as many as they want. Northern Territory has a goose season and I believe duck as well however I am not sure on that. Western Australia you can't do anything at all. Hope this helps. Matt. |