A key to any of these issues is we need to communicate these intentions en-mass to QANTAS and any other companies that act so irresponsibly. THey MUST have a clear policy or fact sheet ONLINE which we can access, print and RELY on if booking with them. Otherwise FFFF them. Regarding your leftie-anti in Istanbul. Funny how these sorts always think they can apply their own opinions as fact and rules. Usually incorrectly. Typical commie/leftie attitude with regards to believeing they can dominate or force others to do what they want. I had a lovely girl once booking me in with an airline. She was interested in shooting and wanted to try it. I should have chatted to her for a while and gave her some info but had a brief reply or two. Then moved on. The line behind was not an issue that time. Good to see someone interested, a young girl, and should be encouraged when found. |