Nice pic, Clayton! Those olives get pretty big. Karamoja - Heh, the natives sure do hate snakes in all the books i've read also. John - When i collect fossils it mainly walking down river beds with the odd pool of water. Usually see 2-3 red bellies a day. They're mellow fellows aren't they? Good idea on the warning, but i'm working out what i'm doing as i go along, slowly working my way to more venomous. Bandy's are mellow and no real risk, i didn't touch the Carps as i wasnt sure if they were browns (but they were so placid i was sure they couldn't be, based off temperment). Your story about falling on a brown..Eegads! I'm suprised you didn't jump higher! I would have! A friend was checking the yabbie traps and he called out and went "hey theres a brown snake here". So i came over to have a look, and it was stopped a little up the bank (about 3m) from him watching. He then turned to get the trap. Instant S from the brown. They're so angry all the time. I was like "hey, stop" to him and he turned and went "urgh" lol. Good times. |