(.700 member)
28/11/12 11:56 PM
Should Sound Moderators be legal for hunting in Australia?

Should Sound Moderators be legal in Australia for sporting hunting?

They are in common use in the UK. I used one on a borrowed rifle when hunting in Norway.

Why are they not legal here in Australia? They used to be ...


Facts about sound moderators

Posted on 13 November 2012 by Robert Borsak

Governments and police around Australia refuse to consider the legalisation of sound moderators for firearms, particularly sporting longarms. The ban on suppressors, as they're also known, is based on nothing but Hollywood fantasy.

In any other situation, moderators would be encouraged for their safety and health benefits. In many nations, they're mandatory. Australian maintains a steadfast and paranoid opposition to them. Why?

Research proves there's virtually no risk of crime through moderators, which do not entirely 'silence' a firearm as the movies suggest. The benefits are great: safe noise levels from firearms, less noise pollution, added safety because shooters do not have to wear earmuffs and much more.

A full report on moderators, which recommends their legaisation, is available here:

To hear the difference a sound moderator makes, see this video:

The NSW Government must drop its irrational opposition to sound moderators and look seriously at legalising them.

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