Don't know how many days my father and I spent sitting on a dam bank, middle of summer, not being able to move a muscle, just waiting for a dingo to come and have a drink. works well too, but I very quickly learnt that a huge amount of patience was needed, don't know how the old boy used to do it, hours on end, but usually always ended up with a dog. Closest one I ever shot was about 5 yards away, can't remember who was the more surprised. Amazing what a 50 grain lead weight behind the right ear does though. We also used to set traps during the winter as well, I'm guessing it's probably not that PC anymore, still have some of them though. Coming from a small country town, we had a pharmacist that used to make up a putrid concoction that he called "Dingo Decoy" Not sure what was ever in it, but crap, did it stink! It was used to imitate a bitch on heat, a few drops at the base of the tree where the trap was set up, and 90% you had a dog caught the next morning, sometime you only had a foot caught though, amazing they will chew their own foot off to get out of a trap. As you might have gathered, we spent a bit of time eradicating Dingo's, we had a cattle property, and the loss of calves was always enough to get you sitting on that dam bank. DC |