(.333 member)
10/09/10 11:21 AM
Re: Recent trip to the N.T.

Ok, so a bit of a report on the ammo used.

I used 338 calibre 225gr PP woodleighs and 225gr hydros in my 338 win mag and 500gr PP Woodleighs and 450gr hydros in my 458 win mag.
The PP's certainly worked a treat on pigs, brumbies and donkey's from both calibres but I was pretty happy the way the hydros killed even though they drilled straight through animals up to big cow buff. All hydros exited except for 2 raking shots on buff where one entered the front shoulder and ended up inside the rear leg and one that went the opposite from the rear to the front shoulder. We didn't recover the bullets unfortunately as these were not the killing shots, just insurance while the beast was still on it's feet running away.

Would I use the hydros again?

Certainly for buff in the 458 or the 338 and would use the 338 hydros on African plainsgame. I think they are overkill for run of the mill game but where tough animals need to be put down and full penetration is required for maybe a tracking job I'd say yeah. If only I had taken them to Zimbabwe last year the outcome of my missed eland may have been different as a better blood trail would have helped..... But then again, better shot placement would also have helped Onya

The exit wound was the first shot taken and entered the opposite front shoulder, The entrance wound here was a second shot taken when the buff took off and raked through to the left rear leg.


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