Bakes.... I have fox-baiting going on all around me. No-one told them ovet the net that there were foxes here... They just go to ALL the farmers in districts that run sheep and tell us how wonderful baiting is and how much money it'll save us. They also make a point of telling us that shooting ain't much chop. Now you and I know that the latter is bullshit.. But if the usefulness of hunting as a control measure isn't established... then baiting becomes the ONLY control measure being touted to farmers. Do you really think they need surveys like this to find out where the pigs are? Uh, Uh.... They go ask the chillers to see which areas are taking in the greatest numbers. They go to the farmer organisations and the Rural Lands Protection Boards or whatever they're called in your state, and ask where the complaints are coming from when farmers are losing stock and crops. I can understand your POV, but that doesn't mean I think it reasonable. I DID read the whole damned page,,, and the plans they have for baiting are the very reason I thought it worth while asking piggers to put their hands up and get it on record that they're a valuable part of the pig-control equation. Think about it......... Peter |