Really interesting and bravo!
Here in the States we have rounded the bend and now are supposed to celebrate all predators regardless of what they do to game or bird populations or anything else for that matter, including pets, livestock and little kids.
Someday maybe the Common Sense of Insanity will grip your nations, too, and such fellows as these two will be remembered as Wicked Destroyers of All Things Good just like pest controllers increasingly are here.
Get this: My son just scrapped his plans for a wildlife management degree due to the insanity of current philosophies at university. One of his professors did a study on coyotes in urban Chicago and now promotes the growth of urban coyote populations everywhere. If you disagree with this you are ostracized and forget about getting a good grade in the class.
Alan, I can see the veins bulging in your head right now...
Yes, it is the world turned upside down.
Funny, since you Upside Downers are still Rightside Up!!
Count your blessings while they last...
9.3x57, I guess the difference here is the "'yotes" are native to NA so this guy sees them as being worth preserving. As in my previous post. Everything these guys target is an introduced pest & gets no sympathy from anyone. The same mentality lets our DOC (Dept of Conservation)1080 poison our deer herds with the support of the Forest & Bird types so I don't think my Roe deer scheme would be a goer. Steve