(.375 member)
05/03/04 08:39 AM
Re: The difference.....

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The Aussies I know all have more than just a 303 in the shed. They may not buy brand new rifles, and neither do I, but they buy plenty of nice used ones.

I was just generalising there

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Don't forget that magazine writers have to have new rifles or they would have to actually use there imagination.

Your right there. Most of the Aussie gun mags are full of hunting stories with a few tech/how to articles, where the US mags are full of techo stuff (which I enjoy by the way) I guess they (the US mags ) have to push the latest and greatest for their backers. Something that is happening in our mags to.

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Concerning gear, well, two of my rifles are sporterized Mausers, I love 'em and wouldn't trade them for a new gun fresh out of a box

Good to see another Mauser fan

Is there a mag out there that reflects the true US hunter?

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