(.577 member)
19/07/18 07:33 AM
New venomous snake discovered in Australia

IS this accurate or more media BS??

(.700 member)
19/07/18 02:08 PM
Re: New venomous snake discovered in Australia

Who knows.

Have heard of bandy bandy snakes. Know nothing about them.
Of course everything is in danger of extinction ...

90 species of snakes in Australia. Almost all are poisonous. Most four poisonous snakes in the world are in Australia, Brown, Taipain Death Adder and Tiger snake.

New Guinea has thousands of species of snakes. Only a handful of species are poisonous.

(.333 member)
19/07/18 03:43 PM
Re: New venomous snake discovered in Australia

And just when I thought we might be short of venomous snakes they came up with another one.

(.577 member)
19/07/18 09:23 PM
Re: New venomous snake discovered in Australia


And just when I thought we might be short of venomous snakes they came up with another one.

(.400 member)
20/07/18 06:26 AM
Re: New venomous snake discovered in Australia

Add to that all the poison spiders and insects I don't see how you guys even manage a picnic.

(.400 member)
20/07/18 07:16 AM
Re: New venomous snake discovered in Australia

It is living hell.


(.416 member)
20/07/18 07:52 AM
Re: New venomous snake discovered in Australia

I have known of the Bandy bandy for some years. I find it strange that a new "species" of Bandy bandy has been found for a couple of reasons 1) If it was a new species it would not be of the Bandy Bandy Species. 2) Weipa, although remote, has a largish out door population in the area and an even larger outdoor tourist population. + It is a Bauxite mining area, where the Bauxite is on top of the ground so a massive area has already been scraped.

With this in mind one wonders why any species of animal-other than insects-were not discovered long ago. Maybe the locals have known of this "new" snake for decades but Biologists have only just discovered that it is a undocumented sub species (Race) of Bandy Bandy.

(.416 member)
20/07/18 07:53 AM
Re: New venomous snake discovered in Australia


Add to that all the poison spiders and insects I don't see how you guys even manage a picnic.

Thats why farting at BBQ's is encouraged. The smell and low frequency rumblings deter the creepy crawly's.

(.333 member)
20/07/18 10:36 AM
Re: New venomous snake discovered in Australia

At home we've had Eastern brown snakes, Red Belly black, Coastal Taipan and Black snake so I doubt I'll be spending more time jumping at many more shadows, pieces of rope laying on the ground, or garden hoses of strange colours due to the discovery of another snake at Weipa.

(.400 member)
20/07/18 12:21 PM
Re: New venomous snake discovered in Australia

Thank god all we have here in the south are cottonmouths rattlers and copper heads along with a few black widows and the Brown Recluse.

(.416 member)
20/07/18 04:58 PM
Re: New venomous snake discovered in Australia


At home we've had Eastern brown snakes, Red Belly black, Coastal Taipan and Black snake so I doubt I'll be spending more time jumping at many more shadows, pieces of rope laying on the ground, or garden hoses of strange colours due to the discovery of another snake at Weipa.

And the worse snake in the grass is the female ex girlfriend.

(.333 member)
24/08/18 10:44 AM
Re: New venomous snake discovered in Australia


It worries me that you've had the displeasure of meeting her...........given that you provided such an accurate description of her I figure you must have.


(.275 member)
25/08/18 10:20 AM
Re: New venomous snake discovered in Australia

Everything in Australia will kill you. Try to escape by sea and you have sea snakes, blue ring octopi and white pointers!

(.416 member)
25/08/18 03:27 PM
Re: New venomous snake discovered in Australia


Everything in Australia will kill you. Try to escape by sea and you have sea snakes, blue ring octopi and white pointers!

Ahhh but some breeds of White Pointers are very easy on the eye

Oh, don't for get the saltwater croc's

(.375 member)
28/08/18 01:23 PM
Re: New venomous snake discovered in Australia

Although not immediately springing to mind as a man-threatening specy, the well-adorned “Australian Gal“ can claim annually in Australia more man catches than all venomous snakes and saltwater crocs alltogether; as this specy also migrates easely, it is also known as a talented international man-catcher.

Click on the below Pdf'ed photo to expand it:

And as ChapuisArmes already reminded it wisely, the worse snake in the grass is the female, either ”Australian Gal” or alien sub-specie, ex-girl friend!


(.333 member)
31/08/18 12:32 AM
Re: New venomous snake discovered in Australia

"A New, Non-Venomous Snake is Discovered in Australia". Now that would be a unique headline!

(.224 member)
03/01/19 12:01 AM
Re: New venomous snake discovered in Australia

A new species of snake means the scientists have just had a closer look at them and found this particular subspecies, happens to have one more scale adjacent to its cloacca than the previously known species but the average bloke won't be able to tell the difference till after he kills it and gives it to the experts to count the scales.
PS I am not suggesting you kill our protected snakes.

(.577 member)
03/01/19 08:18 AM
Re: New venomous snake discovered in Australia


And as ChapuisArmes already reminded it wisely, the worse snake in the grass is the female, either ”Australian Gal” or alien sub-specie, ex-girl friend!


Could not agree more...

(.450 member)
03/01/19 02:47 PM
Re: New venomous snake discovered in Australia


I have known of the Bandy bandy for some years. I find it strange that a new "species" of Bandy bandy has been found for a couple of reasons 1) If it was a new species it would not be of the Bandy Bandy Species. 2) Weipa, although remote, has a largish out door population in the area and an even larger outdoor tourist population. + It is a Bauxite mining area, where the Bauxite is on top of the ground so a massive area has already been scraped.

With this in mind one wonders why any species of animal-other than insects-were not discovered long ago. Maybe the locals have known of this "new" snake for decades but Biologists have only just discovered that it is a undocumented sub species (Race) of Bandy Bandy.


The winner!

At least around here. The enviros are always looking for a "good" reason to shut down industry or lock up wild lands.

(.470 member)
03/01/19 06:48 PM
Re: New venomous snake discovered in Australia


Everything in Australia will kill you. Try to escape by sea and you have sea snakes, blue ring octopi and white pointers!

(.400 member)
03/01/19 07:29 PM
Re: New venomous snake discovered in Australia

Don’t forget the Irukandj and box jellyfish stingers in northern waters. The Irukandji is a small version of the Box Jellyfish and deadly.

Here we also gets the worlds deadliest spider, the Sydney Funnelweb.

Used to catch lots of Blue Ringed Octopus when pawning etc. long time since anyone has been killed by one but someone was stung last week and revived by naval divers or medics off Garden Island submarine base south of Perth.

Despite all this we still get out and about. Most dangerous species is the mobile phone using motorist!

(.416 member)
03/01/19 09:40 PM
Re: New venomous snake discovered in Australia



Everything in Australia will kill you. Try to escape by sea and you have sea snakes, blue ring octopi and white pointers!

(.450 member)
04/01/19 01:10 AM
Re: New venomous snake discovered in Australia




Everything in Australia will kill you. Try to escape by sea and you have sea snakes, blue ring octopi and white pointers!

Very negligent photo!

Observe closely his poison-dipped toes!

One scratch and it's curtains for the Big Guy, and endless Happy Meals for the Little Guy!

(.577 member)
04/01/19 02:56 PM
Re: New venomous snake discovered in Australia





Everything in Australia will kill you. Try to escape by sea and you have sea snakes, blue ring octopi and white pointers!

Very negligent photo!

Observe closely his poison-dipped toes!

One scratch and it's curtains for the Big Guy, and endless Happy Meals for the Little Guy!

(.333 member)
05/01/19 12:06 AM
Re: New venomous snake discovered in Australia






Everything in Australia will kill you. Try to escape by sea and you have sea snakes, blue ring octopi and white pointers!

Very negligent photo!

Observe closely his poison-dipped toes!

One scratch and it's curtains for the Big Guy, and endless Happy Meals for the Little Guy!

And his fangs! Don't forget his fangs!

(.400 member)
08/01/19 03:42 PM
Re: New venomous snake discovered in Australia



Add to that all the poison spiders and insects I don't see how you guys even manage a picnic.

Thats why farting at BBQ's is encouraged. The smell and low frequency rumblings deter the creepy crawly's.

The low rumble of a diesel actually attracts spiders (fun fact of the day.)

(.416 member)
15/01/19 07:41 AM
Re: New venomous snake discovered in Australia

G'Day Fella's,

Despite so many creatures that are full of venom or BIG Teeth, most of us Aussies, managed to survive another year Down Under.
Further to this, I seen a post on Face Book, that shows an image of a Unicorn running along.
The quote with the image was "If the Unicorn was ever discovered in Australia, the tip of the horn on it's head, would highly venomous" or words to that effect. Thats about right ...........

Luckily, we can escape across the ditch to New Zealand, for a break from all this Poison and Teeth.
I think they may have one mildly poisonous spider ......... but thats about the extent of it over there (apart from Spear Grass= Ouch, Ouch, Ouch and bloody Sand Flies !)


(.700 member)
15/01/19 11:23 AM
Re: New venomous snake discovered in Australia


The low rumble of a diesel actually attracts spiders (fun fact of the day.)

So does a Basilisk - no wait, the Basilisk scares them away. Yipppeeeee!
But then, the Basilisk has a poisonous bite too. No wining is there.

(.416 member)
15/01/19 07:28 PM
Re: New venomous snake discovered in Australia



The low rumble of a diesel actually attracts spiders (fun fact of the day.)

So does a Basilisk - no wait, the Basilisk scares them away. Yipppeeeee!
But then, the Basilisk has a poisonous bite too. No wining is there.

I had to look that one up. Not a nice critter

(.400 member)
15/01/19 07:53 PM
Re: New venomous snake discovered in Australia

Not nice at all!

I see one of the main descriptions of it is by Pliny the Elder, who came to an inglorious end whilst rescuing people during the eponymous Plinian eruption of Mt Vesuvius, which destroyed Herculaneum and Pompeii. The eruption of which was well described by Pliny the Younger, the Elders nephew.

Unfortunately people don’t study history well and millions of people are in peril of the next Plinian eruption of Mt Vesuvius, which will most likely significantly affect Naples and its surrounds.

(.400 member)
15/01/19 07:58 PM
Re: New venomous snake discovered in Australia

A bit on the beautiful, when aroused!, Blue ringed octopus

(.700 member)
16/01/19 06:02 AM
Re: New venomous snake discovered in Australia

THAT could easily have ended poorly.

(.400 member)
16/01/19 10:36 AM
Re: New venomous snake discovered in Australia


THAT could easily have ended poorly.

The main cause of blue ringed octopus bite is picking up the octopus and letting it dry out. It becomes stressed and bites. I've caught lots in days gone by, just released them back into the water. not exclusive to rock pools, I have caught them on the edge of a lake, near where I live now.

(.400 member)
18/01/19 09:36 PM
Re: New venomous snake discovered in Australia

Dad picked one up when he was a kid and took it to show his grandma who then got up him and told him to put it back where he got it.

Funnily enough, that’s also how the Cadets leader reacted when he walked in with unexplored ordinance he found in the scrub

(.700 member)
20/01/19 02:38 AM
Re: New venomous snake discovered in Australia


Add to that all the poison spiders and insects I don't see how you guys even manage a picnic.

Some visitors are so scared to walk around when here, but the reality is most people are never bitten or stung by anything nasty their whole lives. Just today I emptied and tipped over a water trough to clean it and took the chance of curling my fingers under the lip. Often a place where red back spiders lurk. None under there this time. If I take the time I prefer to use gloves just in case. Fingers crossed, but I have never been bitten by a red back spider yet.

Always snakes around here, I walk around bare foot in summer often, and was up to my knees in grass several times this week to open and close irrigation taps. I do always enter the grass carefully looking carefully. Anyone who knows snakes knows you never see the buggers anyway until they are right beside your foot ... I do take care at the taps as they leak and are good place for critters to have a drink in the extremely dry conditions.

Saw a trap door spider hole yesterday.

Red back spiders/black widdows, brown snakes, red bellied black snakes, white tail spiders (flesh eating poison), trap door spiders, probably other stuff, but nothing big that could eat one here. Noit really a problem and when they are a smart person knows to take care. Some chance of problems of course.

As for blue ringed occupusses, I was just saying last week I have never seen one, yet they are supposedly somewhat common at the beaches.

Sharks, white pointers, in the ocean can be a problem, and sometimes a beach is cleared of swimmers when one is spotted by an aircraft.

But oif people were afraid of these sorts of beasts and insects, people could not live in parts of the world where brown bears for example live ...

(.450 member)
20/01/19 02:58 AM
Re: New venomous snake discovered in Australia

Great thread and interesting, too.

I'm one of those unlucky ones.

Got flattened by tickbite fever in Zululand many years ago. Friends said count the days to 14 and wait for your head to explode. 14, 13, 12....3, 2, 1.....Ka-BOOM! They were right on the money. LOL.

Then West Nile 11 years ago which erupted while on a trip to Jasper, Canada, then last summer a local tick got me in the upper inside thigh. I hike a lot and missed one, evidently... Big ole infected spot took antibiotics to knock out.

Ticks and skeeters...Buggers all!!

(.700 member)
20/01/19 03:07 AM
Re: New venomous snake discovered in Australia

Ticks and similar, and especially the mosquito is the worlds biggest killer.

(.700 member)
20/01/19 07:48 AM
Re: New venomous snake discovered in Australia

Spring and summer skitter bites - normal - black flies in Sept. mostly - nasty but bit of swelling and itch, that's it.
Bears not a problem around here, but with the bugs, one usually doesn't go into the bush in the summer time unless slathered in 95% Deet. I'm allergic to the stuff now, and have to put up with the less effective over sprays.

Thermacell machines work very well most of the time and the sprays are not necessary. Just carry extra butane and pads. good for about 3 1/2 hours though, per pad and 4 pads per butane tank. Lops onto a belt, check often to ensure still running. These are all we need for bugs when shooting the rendezvous trail walk. We do have some bears, but rarely see them.
No grizzlies this close to town, but possible to run into one once out of town. I never have, but friend of mine used to see one or 2 every hike he took with his new bride. She was getting the idea there were grizzlies all around us. Just lucky, I guess. Keith usually had a .45 ML with him, loaded with round ball. LOL, or a .22 for protection. Griz. weren't interested in them, of course. Black bears can be much more problematic.

They are likely 100 times more dangerous. With fewer people hunting them these days, there are some big ones out and about. I always pick up a tag, just in case I see a 7 footer. They, and the newly spanked 3 yr. olds are the most dangerous.

Lots of ticks here too, apparently. some have Lyme disease - more of that recently in the last 10 years or so.

(.450 member)
20/01/19 11:35 PM
Re: New venomous snake discovered in Australia

I had Lyme disease just last July. Fortunately caught it early and wiped it out with antibiotics. I never saw a tick bite.

When I was a kid I remember pulling ticks off of me several times a summer. Nothing bad came of it. That was before Lyme appeared.

My Tassie friend SBS470 says the only good snake is a two piece snake.


(.700 member)
21/01/19 07:00 AM
Re: New venomous snake discovered in Australia

You are fortunate to catch it early, Curly. Nasty, debilitating disease if not stopped. Most people with Lyme's here in BC are not so fortunate. I think perhaps now, they are more in tune with this, but just 20 years ago, it was rarely caught until too late.
Here in the middle of the Province, the Dr's were positive there were no lyme's carrying ticks so they refused to test for it. Friend of mine (who had Lyme's)proved them wrong by collecting ticks and sending them to a private lab in Victoria for testing. Several were positive out of 28 ticks tested. He got it while logging on Vancouver Island.

(.400 member)
21/01/19 08:31 AM
Re: New venomous snake discovered in Australia

They need to Promote Australia as a Unsafe destination for illegal Refos and illegal immigrants,Muslims by telling them how bad it is here, with so many Killers at large !!!!!!!!Cant swim in the Creek poison Platypus ,cant walk in the bush ,drop bears ,Dingoes ,Yowie's ,Snakes .Cant live in the cities ,Funnel web Spiders ,snakes,football and cricket drunken yobbos !!! for you're own good don't F....KIN COME HERE !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

(.700 member)
22/01/19 06:38 AM
Re: New venomous snake discovered in Australia

LOL - WOW - what a horrid place. Actually, we are kinda making plans for a visit. LOL It's on the bucket list. By the sounds of it, it might be the last place we visit.

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