(.333 member)
30/12/02 02:32 PM
Australian Top Five

From: Nitro (Original Message) Sent: 9/6/2002 6:17 PM

Similar to the American thread which 5 animals do you think are the premier game animals in Australia. I guess this may depend a lot of personal preferences but that's OK.

You do not have to have hunted all of them or any of them for that matter. You do not even have to have hunted in Australia at all. This is a discussion for your desires and dreams and which ones interest you.

If you had to name the top 5 trophies or game animals to hunt, what in you opinion are they? And where?



"I love the smell of cordite in the morning."

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Recommend Delete Message 2 of 4 in Discussion

From: Bigfive Sent: 9/9/2002 5:28 PM

I don't know all that much about Australian game but if get the chance to hunt there I would certainly try and hunt your wild boar,water buffalo and off course a cangaroo.The other thing that also look good although not game is your scrub bulls.You told me a few months ago that they can also get a little on the aggresive side of life.I this a good choice for a foreigner to hunt in Oz or not?And with all of this maybe a good marlin fishing trip on your east coast just for the hell of it.


Recommend Delete Message 3 of 4 in Discussion

From: Nitro Sent: 9/10/2002 12:57 AM

Most scrub bulls are shot when hunting pigs and perhaps buffalo. Perhaps someone can correct me, but I haven't heard of many outfitters that offer a specific scrub bull hunt. But seeing the other game on your list, you would be in the right country anyway.

I think a nice scrub bull would make an excellent trophy. If a nice looking bull with good front facing horns, I think it would like great on the dining room wall. The skins are great too.

The Marlin fishing off Queensland is reputed to be good value. I think there are two types of marlin and fishing for one type is not out of the reach of ordinary people if they save up. Haven't done it but known some fisherman that do it most years.

You have some good marlin fishing off to the East of South Africa I believe and also over towards the Comores. Ever fished them before?


"I love the smell of a great beef steak on the campfire grill (ie scrub bull)"

Recommend Delete Message 4 of 4 in Discussion

From: Nitro Sent: 9/13/2002 12:17 AM
My personal top 5 Australian game trophy animals.

Haven't taken them all yet so there's still room for ambition and more hunting.

1. Water Buffalo
You have to love those wide sweeper horns. And hunting Water Buff in a tented camp is the closest you get to an "Australian Safari".

2. Sambar Deer
A large trophy sambar stag is one of the premier trophy animals in the world. Many Australian hunters take decades or a lifetime of hunting to find a true trophy stag. Some have compared them to Bongo hunting in East Africa except most hunters hunt self guided and alone (with some mates in the camp). In size the animal is the third largest deer species after the Moose, Wapiti. They inhabit high thickly forested mountain country and are not herd animals usually being in singles, or twos or threes at the most. Population density is about 1 per 3 square kilometres of heavy mountain bush.

Stanley Stagg has posted a couple of excellent photos of Sambar stags. I should be so lucky to have taken one like these. Still trying.

3. Red Deer Stag
Just a personal preference. I love the Royal Reds and have been lucky to take a nice 11 pointer with thick neams in Australia and a Royal 12 pointer in NZ.

4. Fallow Deer
Love those palms. Probably one of the most numerous and widespread deer species in Australia due to the Deer Parks of many "squatter" properties at the turn of the century. Broken fences, released etc resulted in many wild herds.

5. Trophy Goat or Boar
Yes I am cheating, naming two. But I love hunting both. I have shot many goats, none of what I call trophy size though as I feel the areas I have hunted do not have many or any large goats. Many of the animals shown in magazines etc I would not call trophy size or even representative. Have only ever seen two large goats alive and a friend missed one. The other never presented a shot.

Pigs - well they are just fun. And boar and pig hunting has devotees everywhere almost around the world.


There are numerous others - Hog deer, Banteung, the most beautiful deer in the world - chital etc but I have already named six.

The best thing is there is no need to stop at 5 (or 6)!


(.450 member)
02/01/03 11:11 AM
Re: Australian Top Five

The top five have to be chosen from the six deer species we have in Australia--why--because they are truly way over the top of all other animals we have here,and i`m talking hunting them by stalking them free range and legal not with a spotlight or in a game "ranch" situation either To say the asian water buff -banteng and pigs etc are in the same league astounds me and my thinking is bolstered by the fact that if you get off a jet into Oz and have the money for top end hunting you WILL get results as the animals are there for the taking.Hunting deer(free range) is a totally different matter and if the average good deer hunter was let loose on Buff + Banteng he should have no problems in getting a shot.Our true absolute top trophy is the sambar stag and many men give the game away after hunting them for no result at all and concentrate on lesser game.Of course you can get lucky with hunting them but on average if you score a good stag every couple of years count yourself fortunate.And being mainly nocturnal makes it all the bloody harder.(how many possums you seen in daylight?)

(.300 member)
05/01/03 04:49 PM
Re: Australian Top Five

Assuming free range, fair chase of course:

1/ Sambar Deer. Anyone who gets a trophy class Sambar without the aid of hounds is a very dedicated and skilled hunter in my book.
2/ Buffalo. Contrary to some opinions, finding a 100 point plus Buffalo is not easy. Finding a 120 plus Buff is even harder. And if you take one on foot from 70 meters or under, or, heaven forbid with a bow, you've earnt your stripes.
3/ Red Deer. Majestic and beautiful animal.
4/ Banteng. Dangerous game species and envy of hunters right round the world. Not many hunters can claim to have got one.
5/ Pigs. Oh they're just dammed good fun.

Gryphon. Believe it or not, folks do go home empty handed after hunting Buff. Not many, but some. I've gone into good Buff country and not found them. They can be dammed elusive at times. On the other hand Chital, or even Fallow in some places, can be comparitively easy to hunt. But like all species be it pigs, goats, deer, Buff or anything, its getting a Big one that is the real hard part.

(.450 member)
06/01/03 11:34 AM
Re: Australian Top Five

Marty i dont doubt for one minute that knocking a BIG Ozzy Buff is hard stuff especially in the heat with the associated flies snakes and other bities abounding all round in fact it would be at times exhausting walking if spending hours on foot in searching for that elusive " biggy".But when buff were in their thousands it certainly wasnt a problem to go out and knock a big bull over as many shooters did in past years.One of the biggest probs with the buff is the numbers have been knocked for six and of course the bigger bulls get shot first,mate Billy worked on the bull-catchers for a couple of years and what we would rate as top trophies simply went to the meatworks,but now those same meat animals would bring big yank dollars if around.This is what i say when rating animals in degrees of "hard to hunt" when they are in good numbers they of course are a lot easier to obtain,not so with your No 1 the sambar--[censored] they can be many and even a good hunter can hunt for days and not even see a ginger arse dissappearing.Any one can find fresh sign of sambar just about any day but actually seeing one or even being honked can make ones day.I was at the old hound masters 20 years ago and saw 19 sambar deer in his pen just simply appear out of 20 inch high thistles they were bedded down in out of the wind in an otherwise bare paddock.It amazed me to see such a big animal hidden by so little, so in their alpine bush home they have it all over us, the Chital, fallow, reds and rusa being herd deer that roar-- grunt in mobs can make it much easier to hunt them,though big Fallow bucks in Tas in season before the rut( no easy rut hunting in Tas) lay up above the rest of the mobs and by [censored] they can take some hunting and i mean hunting --dawn till dusk ten days straight and not sqeezing once in prime country can be very discouraging for many( me too) I gave the hoggies a bit of a go but couldnt come to terms with the waiting, tree sitting side of things--besides it means giving up time on the big boys.Micky Mc. is the first fella i know that took a Banteng up north and he has hunted all over Africa US Australia etc and he told me while we were hunting deer one time that it wasnt much different to knocking any other cattle to him only that there aint many and there is a lot of country mixed up with them that makes it that bit harder,i can only go on the words of the fella`s that have done it as i certainly will never have the money for them.You are right when you say getting the big ones is the hard part on all game. When you mentioned taking sambar by stalking you are spot on with that,though taking the same over hounds can put trophies on walls of many lesser hunters that in my opinion WOULDNT be capable of stalking one many top sambar are taken by the men that lead the hounds into the bush and do many many many miles in tough country its not all sit back and wait for the stag to turn up stuff as many believe.In my time hound hunting i saw many taken but i only took two top heads myself over hounds hunting in self imposed seasons of every weekend for eight months straight.My stalking years have seen me taking another eight heads that on some occasions have been downright easy ( not too bloody many haha)When you come down for a hunt (invitation extended) if ever, come out one on one with me and i`m sure you will see i`m not putting the other deer or game in Australia down at all really its just that these friggin` deer are truly one of the worlds premium game species and can and do run rings around us "expert hunters" like nothing else here in Oz.You are right too about the grunters they ARE fun but pretty bloody easy to walk up to and nail on just about any piece of ground in Oz but tell that to serious pig hunters and they wont agree at all.

(.300 member)
08/01/03 09:56 PM
Re: Australian Top Five

Well thank you for the invitation Gryphon. No doubt I will wind up back sown south sooner or later and will hold you to your invite I've been after Sambar about 3 times. Twice somewhere near the base of Mt Buffalo and once in the Strathbogies. Think I may have seen one once but not sure. Like the will of the wisp. I think I'd only really get into it though if I lived in the area, which thankfully I dont.

(.450 member)
09/01/03 06:24 AM
Re: Australian Top Five

Some of the biggest heads ever have been taken around Mt Buffalo and the area is flogged by houndmen and stalkers(and friggin` spotlighters) but continues to throw biggun`s up every year due to the fact that the Nat Park feeds them out into legit ground.In fact the park has plenty taken right in it as well by the not so legal lads.Strath is one o9f the fringe areas that has them alright but not in the quality of Buffalo.We hunted the buffalo river in the early 80`s and took some nice deer from there but now you can see 1/2 doz hound teams on any Sat morning all over the joint,for the novice hunter its not too bad a plan to go into the bush and sit off the hound teams and wait for a "sneaker" this method puts you right in the action at times and its your head if you connect.Biggest prob is that the deer in the hound areas are so friggin` wild they take some stalking as they wont wait for any hunter to get near them "honk" and gone.

(.224 member)
06/05/03 08:14 PM
Re: Australian Top Five

I agree with gryphon, top five would have to be our deer.
No particular order, getting an above average trophy of each species can be a challenge. Same can be said for trying to find the 100+ buff...

(.275 member)
15/07/03 03:09 PM
Re: Australian Top Five

I'd put Buff and scrub bull before Deer.

Pure size/ possible danger counts as much as 'elusive game or skilful to hunt'.

Otherwise the pathetic old rhino wouldn't even make the 'big 50' behind the Swamp sitatunga, sable and every other tricky antelope.

Our big five should sum up Australiana, especially to overseas visitors and at least make use of what dangerous game we are known for.


(.300 member)
11/10/03 08:48 PM
Re: Australian Top Five

Its my first post on this forum. I,m no guru on the subject but I would say the animals would be
1 Banteng
2 Buffalo
3 Sambar and other deer
4 Scrub bulls
5 Pigs
Also put Marlin in there as well. For more info on Marlin fishing (or other fishing in Queensland) look at

(.275 member)
02/11/03 12:15 PM
Re: Australian Top Five

Australian Top 5 (or +/- 15 if you count the deer species separately) are all introduced/ferals. We really have nothing native worth hunting.

(.450 member)
02/11/03 04:56 PM
Re: Australian Top Five

H/W the Q`s was.. 5 animals do you think are the premier game animals in Australia?

We all know our stuff is introduced,well maybe not some o/s people but the sambar here have their own characteristics to a degree that they can almost be considered a sub species,mainly due to the mixture of malay and Indian blood in our herds.Even our dingo`s crossed the land bridge so they say.

(.416 member)
02/11/03 05:11 PM
Re: Australian Top Five

The top 5 trophies I would want are;

Hog Deer
Water Buffalo
Fallow Deer

In that order and all free range.

(.224 member)
23/11/03 06:55 PM
Re: Australian Top Five

Hey Marty its good to see after your 3 sambar hunts that your an expert on hound hunting and how easy it is.Get real if you had at least tried it you would know different. If you want to shoot an easy deer go stalking.
Top 5
1. Sambar
2. Hog deer
3. Fallow (wild not in rut)
4. Red (as above )
5. Banteng ( $ involved)
Goats and pigs game animals no way fun maybe
How about adding some Kiwi animals to the list

(.300 member)
29/11/03 02:01 PM
Re: Australian Top Five

Where did I say hound hunting was easy?

In reply to:

How about adding some Kiwi animals to the list

Oh I realise now.....your an idiot. What part of "Australian Top Five" do you fail to understand? Do you think that the subject of Australian top 5 just might preclude NZ specific animals?

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