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Buffalo on the run
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Welcome to the World's first and best internet forums for Double rifles. But there is a lot more. If you are interested in Double Rifles, Classic and Vintage Guns, Big Game Hunting, Safaris, the Forums are for you.

Enjoy discussing double rifles with other enthusiasts. Ask questions and find answers. Learn how to shoot and reload for them. Also enjoy extensive archives of Double Rifle pictures, archives and discussions on Mausers, Mannlichers, Lee Speeds, Combination guns, single shots, fine shotguns and other vintage firearms as well as modern ones.. probably has the world's only forum on building double rifles. Enjoy discussions and discuss gunsmithing See photos recording the progress of build projects.

Need to reload Nitro Express cartridges or other rare cartridges? Search extensive forums detailing other member's loads. Find as well as reloading information on big bores and other modern cartridges.

A new forum is a bullet casting forum. Join in and discuss how to do it, learn or share your knowledge.

If you enjoy big game hunting around the world and safaris, enjoy the stories and photos and share your own. We have members from every continent on Earth, and stories of their hunts to enjoy.

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Verney-Carron Azur Safari Eloge, drawing by Marcello Pettineo
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